Friday, September 14, 2012

What I learned in Public Speaking

   "Everyday is a new day to talk to a bunch of people" my dad said to me one day. He knows I hate talking to a lot of people about a topic. I rater do a dirty job like on TV then talk to a lot of people. I think I talked about Public speaking but that was about a different topic today I'm going to talk about how to relax and be cool under pressure.

   First thing people think about when it comes to talking in front of class is "Oh crap, I don't think I can do this". This is common for all of us when were not ready to talk to other people. Its called stage fright, and everybody has it trust me it been proven. What is common for stage fright is saying "ughh and ummm" a lot when you forget what to say or don't know what to do. Another thing that most people do is shaking uncontrollably. I don't know why but I do that to, but these are the most common effects of stage fright. There are ways to stop these effects from happening but it's not easy, and i'm still trying to do it.

   Some ways to stop these things from happening are talking to a pet. First of all you need a pet, and if you have to read something to  the class the next day then when you get home read it to your dog like he is your classmates. This helps a lot because it's somebody that wont say anything back but will listen to everything you say. It will also build up your confidence when doing it for real the next day. Another thing which is something I never liked but picture the audience in there underwear. I guess these makes you more conformable when talking but it been proven to help. Even tho I never done it, it sounds funny.

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