Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Arctic Sea Ice Sets a New Low That Leads to Warnings

The drastic melting of Arctic sea ice has finally ended for the year scientists said on September 19, 2012 , but not before demolishing the previous record and setting off warnings about the fast pace of change in the region. The low point for 2012 was reached Sunday, National Snow and Ice Data Center which said that sea ice that day covered about 1.32 million square miles of the surface of the Arctic Ocean! Thats unbelievable if you ask me.

Scientists also said the rapid warming of the land to be a consequence of the human release of greenhouse gases. They see the melting as an very early warning of big changes to come in the rest of the world. The ice in the sea is declining much faster than it had been predicted in the last big United Nations report on the state of the climate, published in 2007. The disappearance of the summer ice cover takes away a white reflective surface with a much darker ocean surface allowing the region to trap more of the sun’s heat which is not good.

What we need to do is help stop global warming. Yes, it can be difficult to stop it but if we try with all our might maybe we can help stop it. Some things that I thought of that could help is things like Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. I know there are things now that our community is trying to  do so we can recycle. There giving us recycle bins just like the garbage ones but there blue and are only for things that can be recycle.

If this keeps up then there's going to be a melt down around the world and it will get flooded. We will all die from this because there will be very high waves that will take everything out. Just think about it for a second. Waves 1,000 feet high coming to you from all directions and there is nothing you can do. There's a movie that shows what would happen but I don't remember what it's called. If you do then please help me remember.


Something else that can help reduce global warming is using less heat & air conditioning.  What you can do is first turn down the heat while you're sleeping at night or away during the day, and keep temperatures moderate at all times. You want to know something exciting and what most people don’t know? Did you know that “We burn fossil fuels such as gasoline, oil, coal, and natural gas to run our vehicle engines and to heat and light our homes. Burning fossil fuels increases the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere”?

One of the most important thing that can really help the warming is driving less and driving smart. Most people don’t understand is that you can save gasoline easily by just walking and biking. They are also great exercise that we Americans need! I mean we can also save gas by carpooling to work or school.

The day at the DMV

   Yesterday was one of the most exciting days I've ever had even tho It was a Monday and I had school. Mondays is the worst day to me, because it's another day of boring school and I get really tired. Some how, I was really looking forward to this day because it was my moms birthday and she didn't need to go to work. For me this is a big opportunity to get out of school early and spend time with her, but this was different birthday.

   The day was 9/16/2012 and it looked like it was going to be a raining day, but It seemed like any other day to me. When I first got to school I felt so drained and didn't want to do any work, but I would get in trouble if I did that. So, when we first walked to class it looked like the bottom of the sky was about to fall out on top of us. Of course nobody wanted to get wet at the beginning of the day so we hurried across camps to our building. While the first classes went by we saw that it was raining outside, we hoped that it would stop so we don't have to get wet while going to out next class. During 2 period I felt my pants starting to vibrate and I didn't know what was going on at first. Then, I put my hand in my pocket to find what was going on and I pulled out my phone. I find out that my mom was calling me while I was in school. When I answer it she told me she was going to pick me up early to take me to the DMV to get my drivers permit.

   So after lunch, when we got back into math class they told me they I was signing out early. Of course I knew why but I was so ready to get out of school. On the way to the DMV I felt fine at first but then a wave of fear ran threw me. I didn't know why at first but I found out that I was nervous. When we first got there I found out that I wasn't the only kid getting his permit. After taking my test lucky I passed and was super happy.

Friday, September 14, 2012

What I learned in Public Speaking

   "Everyday is a new day to talk to a bunch of people" my dad said to me one day. He knows I hate talking to a lot of people about a topic. I rater do a dirty job like on TV then talk to a lot of people. I think I talked about Public speaking but that was about a different topic today I'm going to talk about how to relax and be cool under pressure.

   First thing people think about when it comes to talking in front of class is "Oh crap, I don't think I can do this". This is common for all of us when were not ready to talk to other people. Its called stage fright, and everybody has it trust me it been proven. What is common for stage fright is saying "ughh and ummm" a lot when you forget what to say or don't know what to do. Another thing that most people do is shaking uncontrollably. I don't know why but I do that to, but these are the most common effects of stage fright. There are ways to stop these effects from happening but it's not easy, and i'm still trying to do it.

   Some ways to stop these things from happening are talking to a pet. First of all you need a pet, and if you have to read something to  the class the next day then when you get home read it to your dog like he is your classmates. This helps a lot because it's somebody that wont say anything back but will listen to everything you say. It will also build up your confidence when doing it for real the next day. Another thing which is something I never liked but picture the audience in there underwear. I guess these makes you more conformable when talking but it been proven to help. Even tho I never done it, it sounds funny.

The Memory of 9/11

    • Let's be clear the Trade Center site as a whole is a lost opportunity.
    • A great urban ensemble where low-rise theaters and cultural centers would rub shoulders with skyscrapers.
    • For that reason alone, it was essential that it should deliver, and it does, on its promise to be both a powerful and a contemplative space.
    • A unified sheet of water, expresses a sense of lost and grief.
    • Ramps that would lead visitors down to galleries 30 ft. below ground.
    • A 70-ft.-deep concrete "bathtub" scorched by the fires of the attack.
    • The completed memorial still evokes the immensity of 9/11.
    • Surrounded the voids with a six-acre park plaza of granite pavers and closely planted white oaks
    • Because the water pours into the tanks through narrow channels spaced an inch and a half apart, it drops first in separate rivulets.
    • As those descend they combine into a unified sheet of water, a mingling that speaks of the many lives joined by the vast event that was 9/11.

    The monument first of all shows who lost there life in the 9/11 attack on the twin towers, also the ones who did it. There names were carved into a Two massive square voids sited within the footprints of the towers. It also has a stairs that goes 30ft down under the towers to show more names. It has what it needed to be at the monument but is missing a few things. The things that it could have are some statues of the two towers in between the monuments. Also it could have some panting people could make to remember.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A Hairy problem

   As you can see in the picture to the right I have two golden retrievers. Ones a boy who's 8 years old and the other is a girl who is 3, and their names are Buddie and Zoe. As many people have said the dog is a man's best friend, and I support this 100%. What we also do know is that they can be very messy animals but are also very lovable and playful.

   Evey time I return from school, right as I walk threw the door they run and jump all over me happy to see me home. There home by there self for at least 8 hours because I have to go to school and my parents have to work. Of course I think about them when I'm away but I know they can keep the house safe and be good. What we didn't know at first was what they did all the time. So one day I gotten out of school early because I wasn't feeling good but also to find out what they are up too when nobody's home. Luckily my mom had time to get me out of school and drop me off at my house. When I first walk in I was wanting to get in without them knowing but that's kinda impossible with my dogs because they are always alert. Right when I open the door I see them running towards me fast, and I thought they were going to hurt me but they stopped and realized who I was.

   After all the hugs and kisses they gave me I went looking around to see where they came running from. It was the first few weeks that we just bought some new furniture, and we didn't want to get any of the dogs on it. Even tho we tried to train them to stay off it they still lay there when we are gone. Some sneaky dogs they are huh? Later on I go to my room and see that my bed is not the way I left it and had all my sheets on the ground. Assuming that there was no way the air could do it, now I know that they also jump around on my bed or sleep on it.

   It was surprising to me that they would do this after all we have train them, but what can you do? Dogs will be dogs right?

Friday, September 7, 2012

Is Procrastination Good for You?

   First of all, waiting till the last second to do your work that is due the next day is never good for your grade. But it can be good for you!  Some scientists have argued that there are two kinds of procrastination: active procrastination and passive procrastination. Active procrastination means you realize that you are unduly delaying mowing the lawn or cleaning your closet, but you are doing something that is more valuable instead. Passive procrastination is just sitting around on your sofa not doing anything. That clearly is a problem. Why not wait till the last second so you can relax until its due. Don't put all the pressure on your self and mess up until you feel confident enough to do it.
   There is also a two-step process for better decision-making. Which is what is the longest amount of time I can take before doing this? What time world am I living in? ( I don't really get why this is on here but I guess it helps for some people?) Delay the response or the decision until the very last possible moment. (Which is what Procrastination is).

  Just take a breath. Take more pauses. Stare off into the distance. This will help you relax and do what you need to do without being stressed. Some people say this is stupid (like me) but others say it helps a lot. I would like to try it one day for my sport which is soccer. I hope this will work and not be a joke like always. I'll post back to tell y'all if it works later own.

What I learn in Civics

  This week we are learning about the American colonies and all 13 of them. Mostly it is about what they did when they first came to the new land. Also what the difficulties they went threw with great Britain. We had to learn about which colonies were the Southern colonies, Middle colonies, and New England colonies. In 1585, Sir Walter Raleigh founded the first English colony at Roanoke in North America.

At fist it was a struggle for them to settle down because of the new land and natives that lived there. It was founded between 1607 and 1733. Each colonies had a certain farming plant they did. The southern colonies had tobacco they grew from Jamestown.
New England colonies were known for shipbuilding for Great Britain and farming crops. Anybody could have there own  property. Benjamin Franklin, in 1772, after examining the wretched hovels in Scotland surrounding the opulent mansions of the land owners, said that in New England "every man" is a property owner. Which is something I never knew before? I'm use to know a lot about history but I never knew that much about what happen at the begging of america.

 Did you know The colonization of North Carolina started in the 1650s. The province of Carolina was split into the North and South halves in 1712. This was also what I never knew how they became what they are now. Even tho they independent South Carolina continued to be ruled by the same Lords Proprietors who ruled North Carolina. I wish I could tell you more about what I learned but there is noting else to say. One of the things that started the revolutionary war was the many taxes the great Britain put on them witch made the man of the colonist angry and wanted to be independent from great Britain.


A look at the U.S. employment picture

   One of the main problems in the United States today is unemployment. More and more people are losing there jobs everyday. Some are just plain lazy and some are just dumb. What some people don't know is that the unemployment rates drooped to 8.1 percent in August. The lower jobless rate mean that most people have given up looking for a job. This also fell to 63.5 percent the lowest it has ever been in a long time.

   I always knew that people or Americans have been losing there jobs for the past few years, but I never knew it was drooping this much. It surprised me just to know that my dad was let go from his job a few years ago but lucky for him he found a better one and hes doing the same thing as he was with his last job.

   Since the beginning of the year job has gone up to at least 139,000 every mouth. Which is good for now but it could get better, wish it would at least.

   "The unemployment rate in Greece was last reported at 24.4 percent for this past June, according to official figures released September 6. This means that almost one out of every four Greek citizens seeking work cannot find a job." By the looks of this at least were doing better then the Greeks. If one out of every American are looking for a job now, then it would be total chaos here. I could not image what it would be like, and I never wont that to happen.