Tuesday, August 28, 2012

What I've learned in Geometry

   When school first started I was so excited to know what classes I would. I was also excited to meet some new teachers. I was wishing that I will get some nice teachers and not the strict to the bone teachers. Like last year I had some strict teachers, and they always yelling at us for something so little or nothing at all. So on, my figures were crossed when the teachers were handing out papers that tells us what classes we will have. Of course I have civics, public speaking, but then it said geometry.

  Math was never my favorite subject since I first started learning it. I get confused with word problems and can easily forget formulas. Last year in 9th grade I took algebra 1. It was hard at first because I wasn't really ready for it. For the first few weeks it was difficult to understand what I was doing but I my teacher was very supportive to me. She saw that I was having trouble and offered me some help one day during lunch. Thanks to her the rest of the year was easy to me, and I passed the class with flying colors.

Now that I have geometry I'm very worried on how I will do in this class. Again it is being difficult for me to learn the new formulas and using a compass. "Construction" in Geometry means to draw shapes, angles or lines accurately. These constructions use only compass, straightedge (i.e. ruler) and a pencil. This is the "pure" form of geometric construction - no numbers involved!" This pretty much tells about what it is.

   Even tho I'am still in the class now, I think its getting easier for me to solve problems. My parents told me that  it will be hard at first but will come to you which was true.

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