Well first of all what do you think of this picture to the right? Looks scary right? Well as we all know this is called a Spider. Ever sense I first learned to talk, and walk I nerved liked spiders. Don't know why but they just creep me out when I see one on the ground or even hanging from the ceiling in front of my face.
Once when I was little there was a spider on my living room floor at home. Of course I wasn't going to go near it but I wanted to see what it would do. What happened was weird, and unsuspecting. It wasn't moving at all not even twitching. At first it looked like it was dead, so I moved closer. Next thing I know it started ruining towards me really fast. So I ran to my parents so they can kill it and scene then never liked them.
Moving on to this cool looking spider. Whats unique about this spider is that it's legs each ends in a curved, like claws.Which has never been seen before on any kind of spider. It also resembles the Brown recluse. Scientists uncovered this spider form the caves of southwestern Oregon and at redwood forest. The closest kind of spiders that are in common with it is the Oonipidae spiders. By the way, the scientists named it Trogloraptor. Sounds like a dinosaur kind of animal.
The Trogloraptor is about 8 centimeters long. Which really is not that big but is common for a spider. The food they eat are only fly by what the scientists think. We think the Trogloraptor hangs from ceilings of caves with there legs open, then snaps its claws to catch flies passing by for food. So that's pretty much what the scientists have found out so far. Don't you want to see this in your house at night?
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